Top Tips for a Dry July

If you've woken up this morning and thought to yourself, "Right. Today's the day. It's time for a break." Then here are my four top tips for a dry July. 


1. Make a firm decision. 

I woke up on March 9, 2020, and decided I wouldn't drink. I never said "forever". I didn't know how long it would be, but I knew I had to promise to myself not to drink for a bit. Commit today to try a "Dry July". See how this month could be different than all the other booze-soaked summer months. Get curious and see how things might be different without the hangovers and hangxiety. 

Remember- you get to choose not to drink, but make the decision a non-negotiable. If you go into your break with one foot in, one foot out, you'll wind right back in the moderation should-I/shouldn't I battlefield. (You've been there before.)

"Maybe" always means "yes". 

2. Protect your Dry July like a newborn baby. You don't have to go to the 4th of July BBQ, you don't have to go to the beach party. Make this experiment your priority. You can always go to the party (and drink) next year if you choose. Alcohol will always be there if you want to go back to it. 

3. Lean into NA alternatives. 

If you like beer- the NA Corona taste exactly like the originals.

If you like pink sparkles- @WildIdol is my fave. 

For a spicy margarita, I am obsessed with the Clean T by @cleanco. 

For my Aperol gals, try @cordinoofficial 

4. Find a friend. 

You are not alone. If you want someone to cheer you along on your Dry July journey, send me a DM, and I'll be rooting for you the entire way. 


If you've made your firm decision today, I am so proud of you, babe. This could be the first day of the most incredible transformative journey, and I'd love to cheer you on.