Growth Points are Valuable!

UNPOPULAR OPINION: If you’re still learning from that drink you had, then it can still be extremely helpful in reducing or ditching alcohol altogether. Growth points (drinking when the goal was not drinking) are valuable . Yes, you read that right! Every time you reach for a drink when you’d resolved not to, you’re not failing - you’re collecting precious data . You’re learning about why you chose to drink and whether that drink truly delivered what you were seeking. It’s all about growth, learning, and better understanding yourself . Think about it this way - if you were running a marathon and fell at mile 20, would you trudge back to the start line? No way! You’d dust yourself off, maybe patch up a scrape or two, and then carry on, right? Same goes for your wellness journey. Each stumble, each ‘growth point’, brings us closer to our goal . Don’t let yourself get stuck in the mindset of “perfection or nothing” . Progress is not a straight line, and it’s definitely not about perfection. It’s about making steady strides forward, no matter how small. So, next time you have a growth point, don’t beat yourself up about it . Shame keeps us stuck. Instead, take a moment to reflect, learn from it, and use it as fuel for your journey forward . Every step, every stumble, every growth point is a part of your unique path to a healthier, happier you. Embrace it all because you’re not moving backwards - you’re always moving forward .  #ProgressNotPerfection