BJDW: What do we mean by the stories that kept us stuck?


It's New Pod Monday! 


In today's episode, we talk all about what we mean by the stories that kept us stuck.Your brain is constantly creating stories, for many of us, these lead to deeply engrained beliefs that cause us to reach for the drink in the first place. 


For example, "Wine helps with anxiety", “My parents are both alcoholics, so that must mean I'm one too.” Meade and I will talk about these “stories" and how they are deeply rooted in our subconscious. And then chat about how we uncover them if they're buried away.


We will also talk about how we can change our stories and why it's so important to start with our thinking if we want to change our behaviour. Understanding how our brains create stories will help you understand why willpower alone won't work when it comes to changing our drinking habits.


You can listen to "But Jesus Drank Wine And Other Stories That Kept Us Stuck" on Apple, Spotify, Google, and YouTube. 


We would also love for you to join our community at butjesusdrankwine.com.