BJDW: How do I prepare for my first alcohol-free summer vacation?

Who hasn't returned from a vacation declaring, "I need a vacation from my vacation!"? As the season of sunshine and sizzle looms on the horizon, one of our fab BJDW listeners nudged us for the inside scoop on navigating an alcohol-free summer. In this episode, we're your trusty tour guides on your summer getaway, trekking with you from bustling airports to serene beaches, from airplane seats to hotel suites. We'll spill the secrets of how we guide our clients through these booze-soaked summer months. We’ll let you in on the magic that unfolds when you set boundaries and manage expectations for a family summer getaway. Get ready to flip the script and make this summer the best chapter of your life. After all, if your past summers have been swimming in rosé, isn't it time to dip your toes into different waters? If your holiday goals include coming home with your energy tank fully refueled and your spirit bursting with joy, then buckle up, dear listener! This episode is your passport to a revitalized and truly restorative summer vacation!


Check out this weeks episode on Spotify or Apple podcasts!

Connect with us on Instagram! @imnotsoberimfree @lovelifesoberwithchristy